Meet the Team!

Come meet the managers and staff at our Wild Birds Unlimited Stores.



Aislin has been filling in during the summer months in all the stores and now will be working in Abbotsford full time.



Melissa, along with her mother, where customers in Abbotsford. She started working for us part time in December 2017 and can be found in the store on Sunday and Monday. Melissa is passionate about birds. 




Amanda starting working for us part time in the fall of 2014 and became full time in the following spring. She became the manager of the Abbotsford store in 2017. Amanda will now be the manager of the Chilliwack store with the departure of Melissa. Her favourite bird is the Pileated Woodpecker. " My favourite bird is the Pileated Woodpecker, which remains an elusive bird to me. In the years I have been working for WBU, I have yet to see one even though I live in an area where they are supposed to frequent. My husband sees one almost every morning but by the time I get outside, Woody has flown away. One day I will catch a glimpse of that flaming red crest."




Becky is our Monday woman. She has been working for us since we purchased the Chilliwack store in August 2007. Her favourite bird is the Black-capped Chickadee. She finds that they are very energetic, hard working, industrious little birds that have so much energy they are fun to watch. 




JC is the queen greeter of Chilliwack WBU. She loves a good belly rub and thrives on the attention of our customers, even jumping right up on the seed bag that you are trying to purchase - just so you understand that she is far more important than your birds! She especially loves children and will come running when she hears them come in the door.

A little insider tip: JC is especially affectionate in the morning so if you need kitty cuddles, come see her as soon as we open at 10!





Jenn was working part time in the old Langley location on 200th Street by the freeway when we purchased the store in Sept 2013 and soon became our store manager. Here's  little bit about her:

"I was a customer before I worked for Wild Birds Unlimited and I always enjoyed the birds in my backyard. So one day I said I have to myself, "I have to work there!"  And here I am helping other people with the same passion as me, chose the right products to enjoy the birds in their backyards. I get such a great gratitude in being a Backyard Bird specialist and putting a smile on people's faces knowing we all have the same passion for nature.

The Wren is one of my favourite birds although there are so many! They are very inquisitive and always moving or bouncing about with its short tail held up flicking up and down. Their effervescent voice, which both male and female sing, is beautiful and is one of my favourite things about them."


Paula has been working for us part time since the fall of 2016. You can find her working in the Langley store on the weekends.



Charlotte is the store greeter of the Langley WBU Store. She was a rescue cat originally (2010) and found living in a bird store much more to her liking. When we purchased the Langley store, keeping Charlotte was a decision that thrilled our customers. And the store wouldn't be the same without Charlotte, whether it be her greeting customers at the counter, stalking the pigeons outside the front door or simply snoozing on her bed.