Bird Seed

Our Wild Birds Unlimited bagged bird seed is Canadian Made.

Bagged & Processed from Chinridge Seeds in Taber, Alberta, from Domestic & Imported Products.

Contrary to popular belief, not all bird seed sold is the same.

Important Factors Include:

  • How old the seed is.
  • How was the seed stored throughout the year
  • How much filler is used in seed mixes
  • How long has the seed been on the shelves in either the store or at the distributor

Birds require large amounts of fuel to keep going. Black Oil Sunflower seed is 30% fat, providing the energy birds need for their fast metabolism, as well as the fat needed to survive cold temperatures and migration. For this reason, it is the seed of choice and feeds 85% of our seed eating birds. Black Oil can be fed in two ways: in shell, or shelled and chopped (sunflower chips). Sunflower Chips are the most popular way to feed Black Oil because it doesn't grow and all birds eat it. In fact, no shells mean that the birds get 100% of the energy of the seed - no energy goes to opening the shell. In periods of high stress, like nesting or cold weather, this extra energy can be critical.

Another important seed in Nyjer. Traditionally the favourite food of goldfinches and pine siskins, it is very high in protein and fat, making it a valuable seed for young nestlings who require a higher level of protein in their diet. Other birds will eat Nyjer, especially if it is mixed with fine sunflower chips (Finch Blend). We have several chickadees, dark eyed juncos and house finches in our yard who eat it regularly.

Peanuts also supply a high level of fat for the birds and have the advantage of being available in both shelled and unshelled.

The majority of backyard birds, with the exception of some birds like House Sparrows and Pigeons, do not eat grains (corn, wheat, barley, red milo etc). In many "economical" seeds, these are considered fillers and used in large quantities to keep the price down. Grains are like feeding birds bread, high in fiber and carbohydrates but very little fats or proteins. Because very few birds like to eat these seeds, it all ends up on the ground under your feeder, creating a perfect breeding ground for disease and a huge attraction to unwanted guests.

       Black Oil Sunflower   Sunflower Chips

     White Proso Millet    Nyjer Seed


Birds on the West Coast eat only five main seeds: Black Oil Sunflower, Sunflower Chips, White Proso Millet, Nyjer, and Peanuts. Any other seeds will only go to waste. Wild Birds Unlimited has specialized in coming up with seed blends specific to each region. We also only use the most current crops of seed & nuts, so our seed is always fresh. Fresh seed has no odor, is shiny instead of dull, and (in Black Oil Sunflower and Nyjer) black rather than grey. Any seed that does not have these characteristics is old and should not be used.


Wild Birds Unlimited Blends



Wild Birds Unlimited has designed many different blends that are filled with foods that are high in fats, protein, and other important nutrients that wild birds need.

Calcium, is one addition that you will find exclusively in our Plus Blends, it is an important supplement for birds as it helps with, eggshell, feather and bone development.

* Fun Fact- The only way that you used to be able to add this mineral was to boil egg shells, grind them up, and mix with your bird seed. LOL sounds like a lot of work.

Our number one seed blend in our No Mess Low Millet (LM), this sunflower chip based blend also contains Hulled Millet and shelled Peanut Pieces, it is a perfect food for all species of birds from towhees to woodpeckers. If you prefer to not feed millet at all, try our No Mess No Millet (NM).


No Mess Low Millet

  •  Our Number 1 Blend
     Includes medium sunflower chips, hulled millet and peanut pieces.
     A clean way to feed all your backyard birds, both ground and feeder birds.


No Mess No Millet

  •  Includes medium sunflower chips, chopped tree nuts and peanut pieces.
     Great mix for decks, patios or for people who don't want to feed millet.


No Mess Plus Blend

  •  Includes medium sunflower chips, shelled peanuts, chopped tree nuts, suet nuggets, cherries, cranberries and it also contains added calcium, an important ingredient   that helps promote strong bones and eggs.
     This blend is a good mix for nesting season and fruit eating birds (Robins...)


Supreme LM Blend

  •  Includes black oil sunflower, medium sunflower chips, white proso millet and striped sunflower.
     Good black oil mix for all birds in your backyard.


Deluxe Blend

  •  Includes black oil sunflower, white proso millet, striped sunflower, and safflower.
     This high millet blend is good for feeding ground birds.


Finch Mix

  •  Mix of fine sunflower chips and nyjer seed.
     Good mix for finches, pine siskins and other birds that like sunflower chips.
     Feed in a finch feeder.



 Come in for a look at "the best bird seed in town!"


Specialty Blends

Not made in Canada

Even when you are feeding the best bird food for your backyard friends, there are still some times when extra nutrition is required, or you need to use a quick deterrent for some persistent critters.

Wild Birds Unlimited has specialty foods that can help with that!



Our Nesting Blend is a high protein, high fat food, calcium rich food that supplies the extra nutrients birds need during nesting season. Nesting season is very difficult time for adult birds, similar to the stresses they undergo during the coldest winters. A nutrient rich food is very important to their survival (as well as producing healthy baby birds). Our Nesting Blend contains sunflower chips, tree nuts, Bark Butter Bits, mealworms and calcium carbonate. Available in a 6lb resealable bag and a Small Cylinder.

Only available seasonally



Winter SuperBlend, our high fat seed blend, specifically formulated to provide birds the essential energy and fats needed to survive whatever winter throws at them, even when winter weather is warm, birds need high fat foods for essential energy to endure extended hours of darkness. This super food is packed full of sunflower chips, pecans, peanuts, tree nuts, bark butter bits and nutrasaff. It is highly attractive to a wide variety of birds and available in a 7lb resealable bag or Small and Large Cylinders

Only available seasonally




Squirrels love a free meal and to them, that is what your bird feeder is - lunch. There are many products that you can use to keep squirrels away from your feeders but one of the most successful is hot pepper products. Hot pepper works so well because it effects birds and mammals differently, birds taste receptors are not affected by capsaicin (the chemical found in peppers) they cannot feel the heat like mammals can. To them, it's just bird food. Mammals chew their food so the capsaicin is immediately released in their mouths causing an unpleasant reaction. So while mammals will leave this food alone, birds will enjoy a quiet meal.

Use caution whenever you handle a hot pepper products! Avoiding contact with eyes, using Gloves is advised, thoroughly washing your hands after filling your feeders.



These sunflower chips & tree nuts are treated with hot-pepper and comes in a screw top 7lb or 20lb bag. You will hear no bad "tweets" with no messy shell waste left behind.





These hulled sunflower chips are treated with hot-pepper and comes in a screw top 7lb bag. Birds will flock to it and leave no messy shell waste behind







Seed moths- Can be found in seed, pet food, boxed grains or cereal. Female moths can chew through paper or plastic to lay their eggs. These eggs will hatch when the seed becomes warm or old, causing the larvae (worms) to feed on the seed.

Prevent this from happening-

1. Never store seed in the home, (use a metal or tightly sealed container to store seed).

2. Never buy more seed than you can use in 4 to 6 weeks.

3. If you see bugs or webbing in the seed, freeze it for 4 days to kill them.

4. Birds like to eat them.



Always feed a no mess seeds/cylinders for clean bird feeding.

Feed Hot Pepper foods to deter unwanted guests.

Use trays to keep seed off the ground. (do not feed on the ground)

Use baffles or squirrel proof feeders to keep unwanted guests off feeders.

Avoid bargain seed blends filled with cereal grains that end up on the ground