Metal Hardware
Once you have purchased your feeders, you must decide where to put them. Not everyone has large trees in their yards - and of course that leads you open to squirrel problems - or wish to hang feeders from their roofs. What most people want is a complete and adjustable pole system.
The Advanced Pole System (APS) by Holscher is designed specifically for Wild Birds Unlimited stores. It allows the homeowner to design a pole system that is uniquely suited to their yards.
You can start with a ground stabilizer and base pole (48") and build from there. All pieces fit together with a snap button for easy locking, enabling you to build a strong, tall pole. You can then add individual arms, suet holders, double arms - basically as many different styles as you can imagine. Or you can purchase a boxed Basic Set-Up which gives you a 90" pole system.
Having a bird houses or large hopper feeder that is easily accessible is no problem with this system. Simply mount either one on a long pole and with a flange attachment. Use a baffle to keep squirrels, cats and raccoons off your poles and out of the bird feeder.
All Holscher products are anodized black steel for long lasting durability. Decorative finial for the top of your poles can either be changed to match the seasons (trees or snowman for winter) or remain the figure of your favourite bird (chickadee or goldfinch are a few available).
Or you can use a red hummingbird pole that you can place by the flowers that your hummingbirds love. Either system works great for bringing birds into your yard!

Deck Hardware
Part of the joy of bird feeding is being able to watch the birds from the comfort of your home. For the majority of home owners, this means hanging the feeders from their decks.
The APS system allows you to use a round patio base and build a complete pole system on your deck if you wish to hang many feeders in a single area. The only limits are your imagination!
But if you wish to use your deck space just for yourselves, then a deck rail holder is for you. An APS deck hanger gives you the same flexibility as the larger systems.
Double Arm Deck (left), Extended Arm Deck Hanger (left), Single Arm Deck Clamp (bottom)
Other deck hangers are also available that have either a single or double arm. Another new holder we offer is perfect for people who wish to hang a squirrel proof or a large feeder off their decks. This hanger has a long arm that keeps feeders far away from the top of your deck rail, making it hard for squirrels to reach. Our red deck clamp is perfect for hanging your hummingbird feeder close to you windows. All these systems work best on a wooden deck rail.
Sometimes, even the best seed is tossed onto your deck (we love birds but they can be messy creatures!). For times like this, we recommend an extended swing arm hanger. These hangers extend out either 20" or 44". The added bonus of this system is the feeder stay far away from your deck when full and can be swung around to bring it to you when needed. Comes in either a clamp or screw model.
Another way to hang your hummingbird feeder is with our planter box hanger. This red hanger is small enough to be placed in any size planter box on your deck. It is a great way to hang your hummingbird feeder in summer or winter.
We also carry miscellaneous hardware for other uses, like S Hooks and Forged Arm Hangers or this pretty, red Hummingbird Hook.
It's bound to happen. You're sitting in your home, admiring the birds flocking to the feeders hanging from your new pole system. Suddenly, a furry face pops up around your feeders. Surprise. Your neighbourhood squirrel has found your yard! Squirrels can climb anything and a nice, round pole is no obstacle to them. But don't despair, there are several options open to you that will keep them and other rodents from eating your bird seed. You can get squirrel proof feeders to hang from your poles. This will keep squirrels off buy maybe you don't wish for the expense of changing your feeders. In cases like that, try a baffle. A baffle is something that interferes with the squirrel’s ability to get to your feeders. Most are hung onto your pole at a recommended height of 4-5 feet above the ground. This will stop the squirrel from jumping over the baffle to reach the seed. If he can, then you will need to raise your baffle until all Mr. Squirrel can do is sit underneath and gaze longingly at the bird's dinner.
Another type of baffle is a large disk that you hang above your feeder. The squirrel is unable to swing around the large baffle and hang onto the feeder, landing instead on the ground. An added bonus, these work great as rain guards.